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Job Search Etiquette

When a recruiter reaches out to you, decline politely if you’re not interested instead of ignoring their message.

– Do not leave comments on posts like “interested” or “review my profile”. Just follow the instructions on the post to apply or directly message the person privately.

– Always keep your message brief. Hiring managers and recruiters may be getting lots of messages so may not have time to know your personal story.

– Google for tips on writing a good resume and follow the instructions on improving your resume.

– Do not exaggerate or lie on your resume about your skills or accomplishments.

For example: a fresh graduate is usually not an expert on anything. Making such a claim is not helpful.

– Don’t project yourself as the lead of an effort if you’ve not lead the project.

– Keep your LinkedIn title honest. Don’t inflate your title in anticipation of your next role.

– Prepare for interviews.

– Do mock interviews.

– Pray.

– Give charity.

– Be good to parents.

– Get in touch with relatives.

Copied from:
Muhammad Hasan Khan, Google

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