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No Code Backend Platforms

1. Backendless: This is a cloud-based backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform that provides a range of services including push notifications, user management, and data storage. It offers a visual editor for building APIs and triggers, and provides SDKs for various platforms including iOS and Android.

2. Firebase: This is a Google-owned BaaS platform that provides a range of services including real-time database, authentication, and cloud functions. It has a visual editor for building APIs and triggers, and provides SDKs for various platforms including iOS and Android.

3. Parse: This is an open-source BaaS platform that provides a range of services including data storage, push notifications, and cloud code. It has a visual editor for building APIs and triggers, and provides SDKs for various platforms including iOS and Android.

4. Kinvey: This is a BaaS platform that provides a range of services including data storage, push notifications, and user management. It has a visual editor for building APIs and triggers, and provides SDKs for various platforms including iOS and Android.

5. AWS Amplify: This is a cloud-based platform from Amazon Web Services that provides a range of services including data storage, authentication, and cloud functions. It has a visual editor for building APIs and triggers, and provides SDKs for various platforms including iOS and Android.

6. Zoho Creator: This is a low-code platform that allows you to build custom business applications without writing code. It provides a range of services including data storage, workflow automation, and integrations with other Zoho apps. It has a visual editor for building APIs and triggers, and provides SDKs for various platforms including iOS and Android.

It’s worth noting that while these platforms allow you to build a backend without writing code, they may require some basic knowledge of concepts such as APIs and database design. It’s also a good idea to carefully evaluate the features and pricing of these platforms to determine which one is the best fit for your needs.

Courtesy: #chatgpt

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